Tourism & Manufacturing sectors supported by Government
Categories: None | Tags: Tourism Sector, Tourism, Tonga
The Ministry of Commerce, Tourism & Labour is pleased to announce that the Government of Tonga has established a TOP$1million grant to support small business and community development in the tourism and manufacturing sectors. This initiative reflects Government’s commitment to enhancing partnership with the private sector and communities to drive economic growth for the country. The grants scheme are scheduled to be launched by the Honourable Ministers for Commerce, Tourism & Labour and Minister for Finance and National Planning on Friday 20 September.
Under the grants scheme, Government has allocated TOP500,000 for the tourism sector to support the development of new tourism products, improving the quality of small-medium accommodations, cleaning up and beautifying the tourist environment and to support and encourage community participation in the development of heritage sites. TOP500,000 is also allocated for the manufacturing sector, TOP250,000 of which is for the handicraft industry. The remaining TOP250,000 is aimed at stimulating innovation in the sector, increasing exports and the development of competitive value added products.
The grant is primarily targeted at small enterprises and community projects in Tongatapu, Vava’u, Ha’apai, ‘Eua and the Niuas. Businesses may apply individually or jointly with other businesses and will be delivered in three competitive funding rounds of tenders in October 2013, January and April 2014. Applications will be assessed competitively against set criteria which will be made available to businesses and communities after the launch. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Ministry for further information on the application process, eligibility criteria and any assistance that you may require from the Ministry. Information leaflets on the grants are currently available at the office of the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism & Labour, Latai Estate, Salote Road, Nuku’alofa.
For further information on the manufacturing grant please contact the Trade and Investment Division at telephone 23688 or email . For further information on the tourism grant, please contact the Tourism Division of the Minsitry at telephone 23688 or email
September 13, 2013 | Share: